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What Makes this Book Unique


  • Is written by an HR expert, life coach, metaphysical minister and artist.

  • Is designed to draw in the reader with visually stimulating images and inspirational and/or funny thoughts married together in an impactful way.

  • Is designed so the reader can pick and choose what works for or resonates with them. They do not have to do every activity to get tremendous life-changing value from the book.

  • Has a fun pirate/adventure/treasure hunt theme. Readers will have the opportunity to put all the information from their assessments into a pirate map. 

  • Provides a series of assessments that will help a person be extremely prepared for their job search, but also begin moving toward a life that is more meaningful.

  • Is written by a person with unusual qualities – an artist and a geek, a Virgo and Libra, can see the big picture but execute the details, can understand and communicate modern science and its relationship to ancient spiritual wisdom, has relied on left-brained thinking in her early life, but actively cultivates her intuition and right-brain thinking, has begun to believe in the “woowoo” of new-age spirituality, but isn’t always fully accepting of it, didn’t consciously know she was gay until age 41, is between GenX and the Baby Boomers. 

  • These personal characteristics play out in the overall feel of the book, creating connections between: left and right brain thinking, science and spirituality, feelings and reason, structure versus non-structure, Eastern and Western ways of thinking, being and doing; ancient, current, and future spirituality; younger and older generations, has a surprise, powerful and fun ending.


  • Addresses job search considerations from a “marginalized” person with topics like discrimination and misogyny and how to deal with them in a job search.

  • References a spirituality defined as “discovering who I am and living that fully.”  This definition allows the reader to approach spirituality in a way that resonates with them. Thus activities like mediation, journaling, breathing, being in nature, etc. are recognized as powerful spiritual and manifestation activities. It also doesn’t require them to reject their current spiritual practices or views.

  • Helps them find a job in the real-world job market as it is today reflecting a post-covid, AI expanding, and increasingly changing business environment.

  • Addresses the latest job search trends such as developing their “brand”, the use of AI to screen and draft resumes and cover letters, working remotely and increasing scam/fraud schemes being used on the online job board sites.

  • Provides a much broader set of personal assessment activities, covering Eastern spirituality and wellness topics like Chakras, being a light worker, ayerveda, but other topics like addiction, mental health, and self-care. Thus, it provides a deeper view of a person than it's competitors.

  • Has a set of tools and trackers that aren’t available in any other book to optimize a job search and dream manifestation. Tracker sample attached here.

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