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  1. The Big Picture – Activities successful people typically use to achieve their dreams including meditation, breathing, affirmations, journaling, visualizing, taking action, maintaining inspiration, celebrating victories and more.

  2. Brand Development – Twenty activities and assessments to help the job seeker find out more about who they are. This section helps them create an amazing personal brand for resumes and interviewing, but also gives them a broader view of who they are so that they can create the life they want. 

  3. The Basics – Resumes, references, cover letters, business cards, portfolios, online job boards, and LinkedIn.

  4. Building Bridges – Personal appearance, standard and creative networking, rejection and persistence, and recruiters.


  1. ​Interviewing – Pre-Interview work, types of interviews, types of interviewers, and storytelling

  2. Closing the Deal – Salary negotiations, benefit value, expected amount of work, and other job factors to be considered.

  3. Navigational Beacons – The latest HR trends and how to navigate your job search through them.

  4. Beyond the Sunset – A set of tools that are not available elsewhere, for dream development, dream manifestation, job searching, visualization, developing an elevator pitch, developing ideas, and pursuing opportunities. It includes a list of the most surprising HR statistics and what the implications are in the job search process. Lastly, it includes list of resources that are generally helpful in becoming who you want to be.





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